The two main types of Diabetes Insipidus- Neurogenic and Nephrogenic. Neurogenic DI occurs when the pituitary cant release ADH when stimulated. This could be due to any trauma or damage to the hypothalamus or posterior pituitary. Intracranial tumor, neurosurgery or cerebral edema are just a few possible causes of this type of prohibited release. The Nephrogenic occurs when there is polycystic disease or pyelonephritis present. These prevents the renal tubules from reabsorbing water in response to antidiuretic hormone.
The patients experiencing DI may crave cold liquids to compensate for the thirst response. Based on fluid loss experienced, patients may be unable to adequately replace that fluid loss which consequently leads to dehydration. Signs exhibited may include dry mucous membranes, dry skin turgor and decreased saliva and sweat production. According to the article hypovolemia, hypotension and electrolyte imbalances may occur evidently. It was also stated that without adequate fluid replacement hyponatremia may affect the patients cerebral function causing decreased level of consciousness or coma.
Diagnosing this illness is mainly done by checking the plasma and urine osmolality . These values would be decreased due to the urine loss.. A fluid deprivation test would also be done to determine the extent of the type of DI, whether it be neurogenic or nephrogenic.
The major role of the nurse in managing this disease process would include:-
- Assessing patients input and output records to ensure adequate fluids replacement and balance, giving oral and intravenous fluids as prescribed.
- Assess the patient's vital signs to note any changes that may require medical intervention. Note the patient's heart rate and blood pressure. Hypotension may be indicative of hypovolemia and hypertension may indicate water intoxication.Instill hydrostatic hypotension precautions and teachings.
- Monitor fluid and electrolyte status.
- Monitor patient's level of consciousness, changes in behavior, mood and anxiety level. This may be indicative of altered cerebral function.
- Weigh patient daily, at the same time each morning with the same clothes.
- Administer prescribed ADH therapy, monitoring for signs of toxicity, and signs that require visit to the physician.
- Teach patients about the disease process and its management.
- Provide an environment that encourages clarification of any questions the patient may have.
Ref. article: Caring for patients with Diabetes Insipidus. Bryson,M.K. Nursing.96 http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hch&AN=9606043595&site=ehost-live